How to Best Help Students With Job Searches
When I was a graduate student instructor, students wanted more from me than just knowledge of the course material. They came to my office hours asking about everything from budgeting to finding an internship to interviewing for their dream jobs. They trusted me as an authority, as many students trust their instructors. It’s unsurprising, then, […]
Job hunting with the help of technology: A Guide
Technological advances have impacted almost every segment of society. No surprise then that it’s also made a significant difference when it comes to looking for employment. If you’ve recently reintroduced yourself to the job-hunting world, you’re probably amazed at how things have changed. The amount and range of technologies […] Click here to view original […]
Five Ways Your Job Search Should Change If You Want To Land Temp Jobs
The hiring process for temp jobs (or freelance gigs or contract roles) is different than for permanent jobs. Never mind that there is no such thing as permanent – people change jobs an average of 12 times during their career. When employers hire for permanent roles, they imagine a longer runway to onboard and train […]